Fate Number 2


Number 2 is the Fate number of those born on day 2,11,20 or 29 of any month. No.2 people are ruled by the Moon, which makes them gentle by nature, imaginative, artistic and romantic. They are peaceful but restless. Their imaginative nature makes them inventive, but they lack detemination to execute their ideas forcefully. The moon gives them a love of aromas and fragrances, and they possess refined natures.


Being kind hearted, gentle, helpful and carieg, friendships are sacred to them. Considered to be less practical as they get easily satisfied, they worl less so as to get more time to dwell in an imaginary world. Faults which they should guard against are restlessness, lack of self confidence and continuity in their plains. Personal problems are due to their own strong and demanding natue which isolates them. Unhappy surroundings make them despondent and over-senstitive very soon.


Precautions: They should cultivate self-confidence, become independent, avoid flatterers, should not leave jobs unfinished due to lack of interest, should avoid acting in haste and try to meditate.


Strong Periods: For auspicious activities, travelling and business promotion, the period between June 20 and July 27 is most beneficial.


Weak periods: January, February and July are the months when No.2s face many health and psychological problems and so they should not overwork in these months.


Good Days: Mondays.


Good dates: 2,11,20,29 of any month are good for carrying out new plans or ventures. No. 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22 and 25 are also beneficial.


Health: Should take care of digestive system, throats and lungs, and avoid stress and strain.


Favourable: All shades of green, cream and white will be useful colours if used in your surroundings or on your person. Green colour soothes the nervous system.


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